荣耀战场 纯正公益 十年品质

战场风云,十年烽火,暮暮朝朝 地狱之塔,横尸遍野,白骨霭霭

冰封之谷,千里冰封,万里雪飘 神怒、暴雪、魔结、狂暴,法光缭绕

夕阳、超巨、斗斧、巨力,剑舞情豪 念往昔,千人国战,众人冲锋斗志傲

看今朝,百人交戈,腥风血雨杀气高 再续十年,蝶花岂止一世缘


Welcome to your new DokuWiki

Congratulations, your wiki is now up and running. Here are a few more tips to get you started.

Enjoy your work with DokuWiki,
– the developers

Create your first pages

Your wiki needs to have a start page. As long as it doesn't exist, this link will be red: start.

Go on, follow that link and create the page. If you need help with using the syntax you can always refer to the syntax page.

You might also want to use a sidebar. To create it, just edit the sidebar page. Everything in that page will be shown in a margin column on the side. Read our FAQ on sidebars to learn more.

Please be aware that not all templates support sidebars.

Customize your Wiki

Once you're comfortable with creating and editing pages you might want to have a look at the configuration settings (be sure to login as superuser first).

You may also want to see what plugins and templates are available at DokuWiki.org to extend the functionality and looks of your DokuWiki installation.

Join the Community

DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to the newsletter.

The DokuWiki User Forum is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get support.

Of course we'd be more than happy to have you getting involved with DokuWiki.

  1. 游戏内容
    1. 新人上手
    2. 荣耀特色
    3. 部分算法
    4. 个人技能
    5. 防具
    6. 魔法
    7. 怪物以及掉落
    8. 任务
    9. 工会以及工会升级
    10. 稀有物品
    11. 生活技能
      1. 锻造
      2. 钓鱼
      3. 耕种
      4. 挖矿
    12. 地图
    13. 活动
    14. 功勋
  2. 荣耀服务
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